And the next marathon is…

12828301_2892846714310_4295834498208257355_oIt’s official, I’ve signed up for the Reykjavík Marathon on August 20, 2016!

First however, a quick update. Since moving to Utrecht I’ve ran the 10K Utrecht Singelloop (49:30), the 2015 Amsterdam half marathon (1:58:21) and the 2016 Paris half marathon (1:48:01) (pictured above). Continue reading

(Almost) Running Again!

College friends reunited in La Jolla.

College friends reunited in La Jolla.

Tomorrow I am heading out to the trails for a 6AM run—boy am I nervous.

I didn’t do near as well in the San Diego marathon as I had expected and got momentarily disdainful of running.

(Side note: I did quickly slap together a race review directly after the marathon, but haven’t had any desire to read it a second time in order to proofread. I’ll do that in the coming days, promise. Better late than never, eh?) Continue reading

Weekly Miles: The Final Yasso Day

I already miss beer.

I already miss beer.

It seems like just last week I was describing Yasso800 intervals and planning to test ’em out during my marathon training. And so you can imagine my surprise when I realized that today was my final Yasso800 workout.

I’ll be upfront with my stats because I’m mighty proud: 10×800 with each 800 in 3:16 minutes and each followed by a 400 recovery. In total, I ran 8 miles in approximately an hour and five minutes. Continue reading

Weekly Miles: Taper Tantrums

Taper blues. Also, my favorite coffee shop closed.

Taper blues. Also, my favorite coffee shop closed.

I ran an easy four miles today.

Starting a week ago my mileage started to decrease as I entered the taper phase of my training. Already, the horizon looks bleak.

The San Diego Rock ‘N’ Roll Marathon is officially less than two weeks away and the anxiety associated with the race has made a nice little home in my gut. It seems every day that anxiety is making home renovations, adding a bedroom here and expanding the yard for a pool over there. Sometimes I think about the race and worry I might vomit this anxiety all over my new running shoes (PS I got new running shoes!). Continue reading

Race Recap: Avocado Half Marathon. Guess What? This Bitch Won.

Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 8.01.22 PMHas it been nearly three weeks? Well, I guess I have some updating to do. First up is the Avocado Half Marathon.

Last minute I signed up for this half marathon on Saturday, April 12. The race was supposed to gauge my fitness, evaluate how my training has been going and indicate how fast I could potentially run during my June 1 marathon. Prior to the race I’d had a rough couple of weeks mentally, and found myself fraught and terrified of this 13.1. I worried I would fail miserably and therefore detrimentally dampen my mental strength for the remainder of my training.

Continue reading

Weekly Miles: The Zombie Runner Beams

Beautiful view from my Wednesday run.

Beautiful view from my Wednesday run.

With the exception of my interval workout on Tuesday and trail run on Saturday, I’ve had an uninspired past week flogged by a lack of motivation.

I got in the miles at the needed paces, but I felt like a zombie slogging through the motions and punching a mile time clock. Thankfully, Tuesday proved to be pleasant and Saturday smacked me back into the swing of things. Continue reading

Race Recap: Carlsbad 5000

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Race shirt fits perfectly and is pretty nifty looking.

It’s been a beautiful weekend in Southern California. The sun smiled down, the ocean rolled along and the Carlsbad 5000 went off without a hitch.

Yesterday I drove up to Carlsbad to grab my bib and meander around the expo. I spotted the FlipBelt booth out of the corner of my eye, bee-lined for it and ended up buying a belt in their “neon punch” color. A FlipBelt is basically an attractive looking fanny pack or running belt, to hold keys, cards, phones, etc. I like the sneakiness of the product, in that it simply looks like part of my running shorts. I might cock a skeptical glance if I saw a guy wearing one, but for women they’re perfect. If you haven’t heard of the company, go check them out. Continue reading